Non-profit & social enterprise

Non-profit and social enterprise

charity non profit - food bank

Whether your organisation is a Charity, Community Benefit Society, Community Interest Company or Friendly Society the only guarantee is that the ever increasing governance requirements are almost as daunting as the number of structures available!

We aim to cut through the red tape to target your management and those charged with governance on the key risk areas which will provide true benefit to your organisation moving forwards. We achieve this by providing:

  • Audit and Examination Services as required;
  • Secretarial services to ensure annual returns are delivered to regulators in a timely and accurate manner;
  • Regular technical updates to all clients and training on significant sector developments;
  • Attendance at periodical board meetings in a non-executive capacity as required; and
  • A plain English delivery to management and Trustees / Members to ensure that all individuals understand the position of their organisation and responsibilities.

We’re here to help you

Call 01633 815800 or email and a member of our team will be in touch shortly after.